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Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beginner’s Guide – All Tricks and Tips

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Omer Kaan Ayvaz

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beginner's Guide

Halo Infinite is recently added to the Halo game series. It brings a lot of improvement to the game. It includes new equipment options, training options, new maps, and new weapons. Because of the latest changes, Halo Infinite multiplayer mode can be ballow your mind.

You shouldn’t worry about this. We created Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beginner’s Guide for you to describe every detail of the Halo Infinite Multiplayer mode. In this guide, we will cover the tips and tricks which help to win every match. Also, we will explain the shield system, how to use your weapon depending on the situation, AI scan, game movement, Using special equipment, marking points, and grenades. When you understand all tips and tricks, you will win every match easily without a doubt.

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beginner’s Guide


When you play in the Halo Infinite online mode, you cannot kill your opponents quickly. Because every player has energy shields. After you pop out the enemy’s energy shield absorbs damage first, your opponents will be more vulnerable to damages. In other words, when you pop up one shield, you need to keep up the pressure to kill them.

Dropping weapons

When you were playing old Halo series games, you couldn’t drop your weapons. This is an awful situation. Because you cannot pick weapons that fit the game conditions. Finally, Halo developers added this ability to the Halo Infinite.

AI Scan

Halo Infinite developers recently added a new ability which is named AI scan. AI scan helps you find better weapons. When you use it, you can see weapon situatiın even if they are through walls.


When you play online fps games like Halo Infinite, movement plays a key role in winning matches. That’s why you need to use every movement type like sliding. Halo developers added sliding to Halo Infinite. Some old players can forget to use this movement type. Because of the advantages, if you want to use this movement type, you should tap the crouch button while sprinting.

Using Special Equipment

Halo Infinite is different from the other halo games because it has a lot of unique features like equipment action. Equipment action lets you use whatever equipment you have picked up Grappleshot and Overshield. Those special equipment are activatable. It will drop when you die. That’s why your team should use them strategically because equipment that is collected ground can give your opponents an advantage to win the fight. Equipment can change from map to map. That’s why you need to decide which equipment is hand to use your map.

Marking specific points on the map

The best important tip in our Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beginner’s Guide is marking. Marking is a very crucial part of Halo games. In an early version of the Halo games, you need to give marks on DC or TeamSpeak. However, you do not need to do it right now. You can mark everything easily with a mark button. Mark button is content-sensitive. If you mark out the enemy, it turns red. If you mark out a location, it will turn white. Also, it will automatically populate the area’s name. It is become handy because it helps to take quick actions.

Switching between grenade types

This one isn’t new to Halo, but a good reminder. You’ll pick up alternate grenades as you explore maps and, rather than having to exhaust your fragmentation grenades first, you can switch them out for another type.

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