
Earth patch v. 2021 coming soon

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Shawn Farner

“Dear Gamers,

We would like to apologize for the current state of Earth. We should have paid more attention to making it run better. We will fix all bugs and crashes, ultimately culminating in patch v. 2021. Please accept our sincere apologies.

The Earth Development Team”

This evening marks the end of an especially trying year. While we’ll be celebrating the end of it, those celebrations will also look a lot different than we’re used to. Keep your chins up. Hope is on the horizon. We just have to sit this one last party out.

Jump online and play some games with friends. Spend some time with your favorite Twitch streamer. Take this opportunity to finally binge The Mandalorian. The year 2021 will start out a little rough, too, but once we get over those first few bumps, it’ll only get better from there.

Best wishes.

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