For several years now, Mass Effect fans have been begging EA and BioWare to released an original trilogy remaster. Finally, it appears both the publisher and the studio behind the hit series are caving. Mass Effect Legendary Edition was announced today — N7 Day, for you Mass Effect die-hards — bringing the first three titles to current- and next-gen consoles.
Is this news as good as ejecting a dangerous and divisive leader? Not really! But it’s a solid number two.
According to BioWare’s Casey Hudson, Mass Effect Legendary Edition “will include single-player base content and DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, plus promo weapons, armors, and packs – all remastered and optimized for 4k Ultra HD.” Who isn’t down for a prettier Mass Effect experience?
Again — it’s not as great as, say, the promise of getting the coronavirus under control with steady, competent leadership, but it is still pretty great.
Finally, Mass Effect Legendary Edition promises to bring “faster framerates.” Seeing as the original titles on Xbox 360 targeted a locked 30 frames-per-second, you can probably assume this means all three games in the trilogy will get a bump to 60 FPS. Personally, I cannot wait to dive back into these classics on the Xbox Series X. With the graphical improvements, higher frame rates, and faster load times, they’re going to feel like entirely new games.
They can’t hold a candle to getting an entirely new president — nor will playing them be quite as refreshing — but still, the changes coming in the remastered trilogy will make those games much better.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is set to release sometime in Spring 2021. If you want to experience what games were like when the world was less crazy — and do so in a world that is once again less crazy — that launch window looks perfect.
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