GuidesXbox Game Pass

How to Compete Xbox Game Pass Monthly Quests Easily

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Omer Kaan Ayvaz

Xbox Game Pass

A lot of people do not know Xbox Game Pass Quests. If you are one of them, you miss out on free money. Xbox Game Pass Quests created for Xbox Game Pass owners. When Xbox Game Pass owners complete the missions, they will gain Xbox rewards points which can be used to obtain items on the Microsoft store. Because of the timing, some people accomplish those quests. That’s why they cannot gain these points. In this guide, we will show how to complete Xbox Game Pass Monthly Quests which are easy to complete. With this guide, you will not lose this month’s Microsoft points.

Xbox Game Pass Monthly Quests

While Xbox game pass owners are playing the game, they will gain Microsoft points. Instead of real money, people can use these points on Microsoft store. People can make donations and buy gift cards with Microsoft points.

Xbox game pass quests come in three different versions (daily, weekly, and monthly). We will give tips and tricks to tackle Microsoft game pass monthly quests without the ease

Descenders – 10,000 Reputation

The Descenders was a popular game during Lockdowns. It helps to feel in nature while we ride a bicycle on the game. We have seen these quests before among the Xbox Game Pass Quests. You need to follow simple steps to earn 75 Microsoft reward points.

Start a new Career mode. Right now, you should play through the various levels. You should reach the finish line without crashing. To make it simple, you can avoid jumps and obstacles. It will take around 30 minutes. If you want to make it fast, you can perform. This quest can complete on xCloud.

Easiest Xbox Game Pass Monthly Quest: Stardew Valley – Catch One Fish

This quest is the easiest one in this guide. In addition to ease, you can complete it in just 10 minutes. When you finish it, you will gain 75 Microsoft Rewards Points. You can follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to complete it without ease:

[GP] Stardew Valley Monthly Game Pass Quest – 4/1/2022
byu/LimboFingo_ inMicrosoftRewards

The Long Dark – Have 3 Distance Travelled

I assume that Microsoft does not like to create a new Xbox game pass quest for Xbox Game Pass owners. We have seen this quest before too like Descenders. The majority of people report that this quest is boring. However, it is easy to accomplish. To accomplish this quest, you need to walk for 20 minutes. You can find details on how to finish it as quickly as possible below.

[GP] The Long Dark Monthly Game Pass Quest – 4/1/2022
byu/LimboFingo_ inMicrosoftRewards

New Super Lucky’s Tale – Collect 300 Coins

This quest takes a long time. Because this quest has no shortcut. You need to punch every box and complete the various tasks on the game. When you obtain 300 gold, you will see a message that says you completed the quest. In addition, if you cannot reach your Xbox, you can do this quest on xCloud during this week.

That’s it. If you finish all quests are listed above, you will gain free 300 Microsoft points. If you have questions, you can write us in the comment section.

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