When people buy the brand new Xbox, everyone wants to choose the best Gamertag for themselves. We think that I can represent our identity with Gamertags. Because of desire, the to seek the best, choosing the best Gamertag is problematic for Xbox players. In this article, we will help Xbox gamers encounter to find the cool and funny best Gamertag for themselves. We gonna list cool and funny Gamertags for you. With those Gamertags, you can find inspiration for creating cool and funny Gamertags. Also, you will learn how to change your embarrassing Gamertag to the coolest one.
What is the Gamertag?
Gamertag is a username that you will use while you are using Xbox. Gamertag is represented your identity in the Xbox world. When you play online games and kill somebody, they will see your Gamertag. Also, when your friends ask We should choose it wisely. I know people who have embarrassing Gamertag. Because of Gamertag, They avoid playing games with their friends. When you want to change an embarrassing Gamertag, Microsoft will take 10$ for each change. It is an annoying situation.
How to change Gamertag for free?
Because of the process, Microsoft does not allow us the change our Gamertag for free. Microsoft is strict about this rule. However, Microsoft allows it one situation. If you didn’t change your Gamertag before, Microsoft let you change it for free once only. To do this, you need to follow the steps below.
How to change your Xbox Gamertag?
When you start to set up your brand new Xbox, Microsoft will give you free Gamertag. However, as I said above people sometimes take embarrassing names for their Xbox accounts. If this situation bothers you, you can easily change your embarrassing Gamertag to a cool and funny Gamertag. You need to follow the steps listed below.
- Press the Xbox button on your controller.
- Go to the system.
- Open settings.
- Go to personalization.
- Press the My Profile option.
- Press customize profile
- Click on your Gamertag
- Microsoft will ask for your credit card information which should have a $10 balance
- Type your credit card information
- You need to type your new Gamertag carefully. If you press the x button mistakenly, you need to pay an extra $10.
Cool and funny Gamertags
We try to list the best cool and funny Gamertags below. If you want to find more inspiration for your new Gamertag, you can check out this Reddit post. Redditors shared tons of Gamertag ideas on the post.
- Addicted 2 Coins
- Show Me Sunset
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Spoon Man
- Netflix and Kill
- Gaymer
- War Dot Com
- Monkey Lover
- Don’t Revive Me, Bro
- Harry Dotter
- Xmen Died
- Lord Of Fraud
- High Five
- ASmallBaby
- Gnome Saying
- No Mom I Can’t Pause It
- Eddie Monkey
- Noodle Legs
- Bilbo tea Baggins
- TasteTheRambo
- BenAfflock
- ChefBoyardee
- PartyOnWayne
- CanklesBane
- KittyCowBear
- IHateKittehs
- ChubbinLovin
- ShortBus
- FatNerd
- StickyBoots
- JuiceBoxJam
- JonnyAwesome
- LickTheSpoon
- Kapoof
- GraveSlave
- PokiePunk
- SaltyScissors
- Unbreakabull
- KnewTooMuch
- VietGnome
- HarryDotter
- BlackStabbath
- WarDotCom
- TankNSpank
- UnicornFarts
- DoraTheDestroya
- LaserChick
- HealOKitty
- JessisGirl
- TubGirl
- FluhfyKitteh
- Kissiz
- FlowerHoof
- Baabarella
- Abuzz Heartbreaker
- Alphabetic Afterimage
- Anony Mouse
- Arabic Denial
- Ass Ass In
- Ass Whupper
- Ayam Taken
- Bad Karma
- BeenThere DoneThat
- Behind You
- Ben Dover
- Berb DiWire
- Blurry Image
- Born Confused
- Bros Before Hoes
- Butt Smasher
- Casanova
- Cementitious Day
- Cereal Killer
- Counterclockwise Chi
- Cover Boy
- Cuddly Goblin
- Depressing Mistake
- Dildo Swaggins
- Dumbest Man Alive
- Endogamous Gnetum
- Epic Fail
- Erectile Reptile
- Google MeNow
- Grammar Jew
- Hakuna Matata
- HeirToThe PubicRegion
- HerpesFree Since03
- Hershey Squirts
- Hey You
- HeyYou NotYouYou
- Hitlersaurus Christ
- How You Doing
- Hugs for Drugs
- ImaComplete CyclePath
- Image Not Uploaded
- InJail OutSoon
- Intelligent Zombie
- Intradouching Myshelf
- Itchy And Scratchy
- James Blonde
- JeanClaude VanDarnItAll
- Jesus HentaiChrist
- Juilius Sneezer
- Justin Case
- KingOf Diary Queen
- Kiss My Axe
- Laugh TillYouPee
- Liu Kang Baking A Pie
- Magic Fetus
- Malice Aforethought
- Mechanic Mike
- My Name Is
- MyName IsInUse
- MyName Rocks
- Name NotImportant
- Nameless Faceless
- No Child Support
- Nonrecreational Filth
- Noway Out
- Once UponADime
- Oprah Windfury
- Period Blood
- Photo Coming Soon
- Pluralizes Everythings
- aDistraction
- Postmenopausal Spree
- Prince Charming
- Random Advice
- Real Name Hidden
- Russian Spy
- Say My Name
- Shaquille Oatmeal
- Sloppy Mcfloppy
- Sloppy Wet
- SwipeRight ForMe
- Tea Baggins
- Test Name
- That’s Me
- The Rapist
- This AintMe
- Uncommon Name
- Uncompartmented Bob
- Unfinished Sentenc
- Unmodified Workman
- Unobjectionable Pawn
- WellEndowed Penguin
- Whatcha LookingAt
- Who Am I?
- Willy Wanka
- WreckTangle
- Wretched Me
- XBOX Signout
- You Suck
- Zero Chills
- Queef Latina
- fast and the curious
- Shaquille UNIEL
- The Entire Population of Texas
- OwenWilsonsNose
- BadKarma
- Google Was My Idea
- Fedora the explorer
- YellowSnowman
- AllGoodNamesRGone
- thegodfatherpart4
- kentuckycriedfricken
- bigfootisreal
- fatBatman
- PaniniHead
- Bread Pitt
- Ariana Grandes Ponytail
- Bud Lightyear
- crazy cat lady
- Tin foil hat
That is it you have learned how to change your embracing Gamertag to cool and funny Gamertags. Also, you learned a few good cool, and funny Gamertags. If you have questions about how to change your Gamertag, you can write us in the comment section. In addition, if you want to add your cool and funny Gamertag to the list above, you can write it in the comment section too.
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