Xbox Rumors

BioShock 4 Leaks: Rumors and Everything We Know So Far

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Kerem Dogan Karakoc

BioShock 4

BioShock 4 leaks and rumors indicate that we might actually be in for another ride. Here’s everything we know about BioShock Isolation.

It has been a long time since we last visited Rapture and Columbia and meddled with time and dimension. As one of the best first-person shooters with solid storytelling, BioShock gained a special place in our hearts with every game in the franchise.

After all these years, it might actually be the right time to return to the series. BioShock 4 leaks say that a new game is being developed by Cloud Chamber and it is set to be announced in the first quarter of 2022.

Here’s everything we know about the new title.

BioShock 4 Leaks: It Might Be Called BioShock Isolation

The new game might be called BioShock Isolation. Although it is significant to take these bits of information with a pinch of salt, we also have a logo design on our hands.

Alongside the name, the leaks also say that the last member of the franchise will take place in an isolated city. Although we are used to dystopian depictions of the franchise, it seems like this one is going to be pretty hardcore if the name itself is “isolation.”

The Developer Is Cloud Chamber

We also know that the team is searching for a Senior Writer to join the narrative team of the new BioShock game. The job advertisement directly says the following: “Cloud Chamber is searching for a contract or a temporary Senior Writer for the narrative team in order the bring BioShock back to life.”

This job listing has given us solid proof that the new game is on its way.

There Might Be Two Cities

A presentation for the new game shows offers a vectorial design of two cities. There is a flipside zone though, meaning that the city above and the city below are like two sides of a coin.

The presentation also says that there will be an ongoing war between these two vertical places. What’s interesting about the leak is that there are symbols of a bird and a cage. We know these two from BioShock Infinite. And the symbols in the pitching presentation are located near the cities, meaning that one embraces freedom whereas the other is a bit authoritarian.

It Won’t Be a PlayStation 5 Exclusive

According to the leaks, the new BioShock title will not be exclusive to PlayStation 5. The game will offer a massive open world with the main story and some impressive sidequests. The details also say that there will be no backtracking, meaning that the players won’t have to visit the places they have already been.

With two different cities that embrace a totally opposite ideology, we will also have a factions system.

What Do We Want to See in BioShock 4?

The franchise did an amazing job in terms of gameplay and storytelling. It was not a mere action-adventure shooter as it embraced philosophical themes and meddled with objectivism.

We want to see all those things that made BioShock what it is. It was quite special with its twists and dilemmas. That’s why the new title should do exactly the same and offer unforgettable experiences in a unique world.

Let’s Go Back to Rapture

We are never tired of going back to the city where there are no gods or kings. Rapture has never been a very welcoming city. But it was always a wonderful feeling to visit its halls under the sea. The first two games and the Burial at Sea DLC were not enough.

Let’s go back to Rapture.

…and Columbia

It seems like visiting the places we have seen in the previous games is going to be a tradition. While we’re at it, let’s go back to Columbia as well to witness its glory above the clouds once again.

Vigors, Plasmids…What’s Next?

The games in the series allowed us to bend physics and use amazing powers thanks to Vigors and Plasmids. If BioShock Isolation ever comes out, it should also offer similar mechanics that made the gameplay richer. With features like these, BioShock successfully managed to be more than a simple first-person shooter.

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