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Destiny 2: Beyond Light – How to get No Time to Explain

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Shawn Farner

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

There’s some misinformation floating around about Destiny 2: Beyond Light‘s No Time to Explain Exotic pulse rifle, and I figured it would be good to set the record straight on where — and who — is able to get this gun.

To start, there are many guides stating that players can secure No Time To Explain by simply completing the Beyond Light campaign. This is true! Partially. If you ordered the Beyond Light package with the expansion and season pass (which rang up at $50), or the Digital Deluxe Edition ($70), you do indeed have access to No Time to Explain. Simply finish the campaign, talk to the Exo Stranger in Beyond, and she’ll hand you the rifle, along with a quest for its catalyst.

If you did not order those versions of Destiny 2: Beyond Light — either because you bought the expansion on its own, or you’re playing through Xbox Game Pass — you will not have access to No Time to Explain right now. It’s not a bug that the Exo Stranger isn’t giving you the weapon — it’s intentional.

One has to imagine that, at some point, Bungie will make No Time to Explain available via a quest in the game, or perhaps via an Exotic engram drop or the Monument to Lost Lights. Giving players who paid money access to a weapon no one else can get is the very definition of “pay to win,” after all — especially since No Time to Explain looks pretty nice in its updated form. Once that happens, I’ll be updating this page to reflect that new information.

In the meantime, don’t think your game is glitched if the Exo Stranger isn’t giving you the gun.

1 thought on “Destiny 2: Beyond Light – How to get No Time to Explain”

  1. To not beable to buy no time to explain separate from the expansion is bs it should be available for 14.99 or less makes me wonder y i spent money on this game

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