
Introducing Game Pass Club: A new ‘book club’ for Xbox Game Pass titles

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Shawn Farner

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Look: 2020 has been a tough year. We’ve been largely blocked off from friends and family. So many of the social activities we enjoyed — playing sports, going out for beers — were either changed drastically or were shut down altogether. We’re losing out on a lot of the experiences we once shared with one another, and it looks like 2021 might have more of that on the menu. Yes, things are looking up, but we still have at least a few more months of the status quo.

That’s where Game Pass Club comes in.

Game Pass Club is sort of like a “book club” for games in the Xbox Game Pass subscription. We’ll pick out a title from the catalog and, depending on its length, play through it in one week, two weeks — whatever makes sense.

We’ll be running Game Pass Club through the Core Xbox Newsletter, with a separate email going out on Sunday to either discuss the current title or announce a new one. So if you’d like to take part, you’ll need to sign up for the newsletter.

The first title was announced this past Sunday. It is Call of the Sea, which is roughly a five hour game. We’ll be shooting to have it done this coming Sunday. Then we’ll announce a new game.

Hopefully this gives you a little bit of motivation to play something new in Xbox Game Pass. But more than that, it’ll let you experience something with some other people at the same time. Perhaps we’ll even work some kind of discussion component into this. We’re open to suggestions!

Again, you’ll need to sign up for the newsletter in order to get the scoop on which game is currently being played. Go do that, and then keep an eye on your inbox this Sunday.

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