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Black Book – Ever Wonder What It’s Like To Be a Witch?

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Black Book for Xbox has been released for Xbox Consoles. At a price of $24.99, you can dive into a world and be a witch.

Black Book is an adventure-role-playing video game for Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC and Mac., The title was created by Morteshk and published by HypeTrain Digital. The game was launched officially on August 10, 2021. It’s a pretty cool aestetic, taking place in 19th century Russia 19 century and draws inspiration  from Russian folklore.

Black Book – Official Release Date Trailer

Scene Open…

The sky is darkening and the sun is setting… soon evil will take hold. You are here, in Black Book.  You play the role of Vasilisa, a young witch on her dangerous journey to save her lover. Here are some details about the adventures of Vasilisa, a young sorceress, in rural Cherdyn.

What Is It Like To Be A Witch?

The occult is present in Cherdyn at every stage of peasanthood. Knowledgeable and wise people can learn to defeat evil and how to command it. Wiccan knowledge is able to cast curses and spells as well as blessings. They inherit their knowledge about herbs and spells from their teachers. Some even command unholy demons as their servants.

Many peasants approach Knowers with gifts, asking them to resolve any issues related to occult, arcane or health-related. Each Knower has a past and a reputation. Your actions will influence Vasilisa in the eyes Cherdyn’s citizens.

The secrets of the Black Book: Unlock the secrets

The Black Book, an ancient and powerful artifact of unknown origin, is said to fulfil any wish of anyone who breaks all seven of its seals. In the rites of succession, Old Egor, her teacher passed this book on to her. Vasilisa is determined to save her beloved, her only hope of bringing him back from the dead. He will leave this world in 40 days.

Black Book

You will encounter mythical creatures and enemies as you travel with Vasilisa to break the Book’s seals. Some of these are folk tales and none other. Her power will increase with each broken seal.

Command Your Imp Army

The imps, who are a result of their Hellian nature, are restless and want to cause chaos, torment and mischief. Vasilisa, just like all Knowers, carries a heavy load. You can either let them torture Vasilisa or send them off to torment another person, even if it is not sinful. It is hard to choose. You may find a clever way of doing something that has no meaning.

Black Book

Combat the Unholy

If you have tried WoW, you may be familiar with unholy beings. Vasilisa is a formidable force due to her natural talent for the occult and the Black Book. Both the Black and White pages of the Book can be combined to create zagovors, powerful combination spells. Your enemies will need a different approach, even with all your sorcery.

Black Book

Vasilisa’s role isn’t just about casting spells and fighting evil. Vasilisa is a skilled card player and will often go out for a few rounds of Durak with her friends or the locals.

You can empower yourself with herbs, amulets, and wards

Charms, amulets and rite items all benefit from a little magic. The earth is magic and has amazing properties, thanks to the herbs and roots all over Cherdyn. Choose the right trinkets, add magical herbs, then set off on your journey.

Black Book

You will be traveling at the edge between worlds with Vasilisa. You are responsible for the outcome of Vasilisa’s adventure. Keep your moral compass intact, be prepared for battles against evil, and you will discover the joys of being a Witch.

Black Book is out and ready to be explored – don’t miss out!
