Xbox News

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites Coming to Xbox Consoles

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Yunus Emre

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites

In this 2D spin-off game for the Bloodrayne franchise, Rayne has been summoned by the Brimstone Society to lead group soldiers into an underground castle in order to fight Kagan, her father. Rayne must run, jump and cut her way through the gruesome enemies, deadly traps, and tricky platforming sections that Kagan has enslaved. Rayne has one last job. Will she clean the house or be six feet below?

WayForward, the original developer, has updated its classic 2D hack’n slash platformer, 2011. It features high-resolution visuals, modern features, and voice acting by Troy Baker (Kagan), who was part of the original BloodRayne cast. Bloodrayne Betrayal – Fresh Bites distills the best of the BloodRayne series to a bloody, twitchy, and action-packed 2D Hack ‘n Slash adventure through fifteen difficult stages.

The game is still a fun and fast-paced 2D Hack N’ Slash with precise platforming. There are fewer high HP enemies unless you’re talking about the classic difficulty.

Official Launch Trailer

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites - Official Launch Trailer

BloodRayne Betrayal Info


  • 120 FPS enhanced for Xbox Series X|S
  • All-new A-List voice acting: The original BloodRayne cast members Troy Baker and Laura Bailey reprise their roles of Rayne and Kagan, alongside the talented voice actors Todd Haberkorn (and Patrick Seitz) to give new life to the original written dialogue.
  • Fresh Bites is the ultimate Bloodrayne Betrayal experience.
  • You have two options for difficulty: Choose from a new difficulty or the original. If you are looking for a more challenging challenge, this is the mode for you.


  • Fluid, fast-paced hack and slash 2D action
  • It can be used on keyboard or Xbox gamepad controllers.
  • Troy Baker and Laura Bailey are back as Rayne & Kagan
  • Supports up to 120fps
  • Decent blood & gore physics
  • You can choose between Classic or Standard difficulty.
  • Combo attacks and Dash mechanic feel snappy, responsive, and smooth.
  • 2D art style

Cons (For PCs):

  • ​*DirectX 12 Renderer is used by the game engine. Windows 10 Operating System may be required to fulfill system requirements.
  • Ultrawide aspect ratios 21:9 and 32:9 may not be supported

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