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BioShock Series on Xbox: Franchise History & Details

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Ruken Can Dönmez


We will cover BioShock Series on Xbox with reviews and details in this article. BioShock entries are the all-time favorites of a large group of players. The series basically started a new era in the gaming arena with touches of retro, Art Deco, and Steampunk. That’s why we wanted to take a look at each one of these legends.

You can find release dates, reviews, and more details of all games and collections of the BioShock Series on Xbox below. Let’s start!

BioShock Series on Xbox: Reviews And Details
BioShock Series on Xbox: Reviews And Details

BioShock – 2007

Synopsis: BioShock introduces us to the fictional underwater city, Rapture, where the elite class lives in peace. However, Things change after the discovery of a substance called ADAM. The ability to change the genetics of the people living here by producing plasmids from ADAMs collected by young children called Little Sister completely changes the fate of Rapture.”

BioShock offers a visual feast to us, especially in water scenes. It provides a satisfying game experience with its physics interaction. The game combines FPS and RPG elements successfully in a brand new style. You play as Jack in the game and fight against enemies with weapons, utilizing plasmids that give special powers and using Rapture’s defenses. After 14 years, the game is still a huge hit and a must-play for all gamers.

BioShock 2 – 2010

In BioShock 2, you play Big Daddy instead of Jack. The game takes place in Rapture too and 8 years later than the first game. Rapture is now more like a sanitary, filled with psychotic, genetically altered people addicted to ADAM. After the opening scene, it is very enjoyable to use Big Daddy’s weapons and to be able to get used to his bulky movements. Also, it is fun to fight enemies and try to save Little Sisters.

The musical components of the game are another feature to point to. It is well-used and matches the atmosphere. We should also add that there were multiple game studios in the development process of this entry.

BioShock Infinite – 2013

BioShock Infinite takes us to the sky this time, to the city of Columbia. The protagonist is Booker DeWitt with the companion Elizabeth, who is able to manipulate the continuum of space-time. Also, you can explore the dark sides of the city and fight enemies in this entry.

Gameplay is much more dynamic than previous games and offers diverse ways. The game differs from the predecessors with its ending too. You need to decide what is good or bad and draw your own conclusion. Another difference is that in BioShock Infinite, you need to emphasize ranged combat and sniping because it contains open spaces.

Bioshock Infinite - Save Elizabeth - Trailer

BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition – 2013

BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition includes BioShock and BioShock 2. It was released for Xbox 360.

BioShock: The Complete Edition – 2014

The Complete Edition offers a package of BioShock Infinite and Burial at Sea.

BioShock: The Collection – 2016

BioShock: The Collection is a remastered entry containing BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, and all of their single-player downloadable content including Minerva’s Den and Burial at Sea. It also offers upgraded graphics and a documentary from the creators.

If you didn’t play the BioShock series before, you should definitely give it a chance. If you want to witness one of the most beautiful stories in the history of gaming, you need to consider having BioShock: The Collection.

BioShock: The Collection Announcement Trailer

Did you play any of the BioShock series on Xbox? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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